Sunday, June 12, 2016

That one time I took a creative writing class...

A followup from the previous post. 

Some nonsense poetry. (Serena loved it; I got an A)

There are holes at the ends of my finger tips
where the universe escapes
and pinprick lights appear
in periwinkle dawn, sparrows sing
in open awe
of calloused palms
and desert patterned snowflakes
float in ripples over sand

breathing shallow vapors
cadenced gases
morphine wine
in picket fences blended
subtle casualties of crime

If hollowed cheeks and rosy tongues could speak
they'd drown the books in rivers
and the window to my heaven would

collapse in




If there were a god in Amsterdam
I would live in salt
or something

I gave up French like you gave up opium
        except you didn't

There's an empty bottle in the riptide
              or was it full?

You let the bonsai tree die.
that's grounds for divorce

How can you fit so much sleep in your mouth
I'm drowning in a sea of
     January is suffocating
                                    your lungs must be made of piano strings

I'm sick of Tchaikovsky. 

And some form poetry, because apparently I've got a knack for rhythym. (I wasn’t allowed to write this until week 7… apparently it’s "juvenile" in the art world...) 

Your soul will be the humming bird
Your breath the trembling reeds,
Our tales of grand adventure
Will be whispered in the trees.

I’ll hide your scribbled letters
Under faithful willow roots,
And when the clouds pour April
I’ll plant poppies in your boots.

Your ring I’ll wrap in lilies,
By the bullfrog-guarded stream,
And stories etched in ancient wood
Will bury blue-eyed dreams.

The weeds I’ll leave as tribute
To the scars along your spine,
For stone still wears its dignity
When cloaked tangled vines.

And here I’ll come to visit you
In swaying beds of flox,
For a roof of constellations
Is much better than a box.

In Memoriam
I'll sit and wait on the banks of the sea
For the man whose shadow fades
'til waves crash down through flooded lungs
And darken light's cascade.

I'll sit and wait for the hour to come
As the whisp'ring shadows slide
Over the hills with a golden glow
'Til they meet the tumbling tide.

I'll sit and wait as the water climbs,
And twilight dawns its musk.
And the bloody suns slips beneath the sky
To await the imminent dusk.

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