Saturday, September 13, 2014

Fun with Advanced German Grammar, plus 10 pictures of Spongebob that perfectly explain my life.

As our first week of advanced German grammar classes comes to an end, I'd like to share a few relevant pictures and memes that perfectly describe my experiences with the German language.

Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia: noun: The fear of long words.
Also a big problem if you happen to study German.
(Excuse the language. But seriously.)

When I think I remember things from the last time I was here. 

Except with genders. (There are three)

German syntax, in a nutshell. 

What I understand when older people try to talk to me in dialect. 

German nouns are capitalized. All of them. 

When someone accidentally forgets to use the
 formal tense when speaking to a teacher. 

I asked my old host brother why everything is always written in English,
gesturing to a bottle of body wash in a drug store. He answered: "Because 'diamond touch'
sounds a lot nice than 'Diamanten Beruhrung;". Hard to argue. 

Whenever I try to speak German on the phone. 

When I try to explain complicated things. 

And now a run through of the school day, as explained with 10 pictures of Spongebob. 

The first day of school. 


Seriously questioning knowledge of German grammar. 

When the teacher explains the difference between
Konjuntiv II, Praeteritum and Plusquamperfekt. 

When the teacher yells at the person next to you for not
knowing the difference. 

When it's almost your turn to answer a question. 

Praying to the grammar gods for an easy one.
BS-ing your way through an answer.

Randomly guessing and getting it right.


The end of the day....

Rinse and repeat.

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