---Written circa August 2014---
(People not included)
1. The rocky mountains
2. Country music
3. Being able to drive where ever I want (while only feeling mildly guilty)
4. Bagels
5. Mexican food
6. Veggie Straws
7. Pirate's booty (If you don't know what I'm talking about, don't ask)
8. My dogs.
Things I'm looking forward to
I just want a glass of wine with dinner, for Pete's sake. Also, I'll be 21 by the time I return, which means I never have to deal with prude American laws again. And my inner beer snob will finally have cheap options other than PBR and Coors Light.
2. Ubiquitous composting
Because ever since I got back from Germany I feel like a terrible human being whenever I have to throw compostables in the trash. They trained me well.
3. Nutella for days
4. The best flippin bread in the world
(though I suppose that might be pancakes... or naan? Do they flip naan?)
Germans really should be known for their bread. People train for years to become bakers, and it's a well-respected craft.
5. Doener Kebab
It's kinda like Gyros, but way better. On my last day with my host family we got Doener from a local vendor and had a picnic by the creek. (I'm not one for extravagant affairs. On my last night with my real family we had tacos and I was happy as a clam) (Except for the ones that end up in chowder).
6. German (read: Italian) ice cream
The wealth of Italian immigrants in Germany means you can get a cone of gelato for a Euro pretty much wherever you go.
7. Trains
There are few things more peaceful than riding a train through the German country side. And the route from Heidelberg to my old host family's house goes straight through the black forest.... And they're always on time *cough* Amtrak
Observation: Most of the things on these lists are food. Good thing I don't have enough money to buy much of it or I'd have to worry about the "exchange student 15" again...
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